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Hoi4 road to 56 download 1.5.4

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Note that all other rules detailed below still apply. Indeed, you can use the nuke console command, as we explain in our HOI4 Console Commands list, to immediately make any amount of nukes available. Mass destruction requires lots of patience… or cheats.

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Moreover, every reactor can only build one bomb per year. All you have to do is hire a theorist with the Nuclear Scientist or Nuclear Enthusiast trait. The base research time is close to 1500 in total, but you can speed it up a little. In other words, you can only build bombs if you have reactors, and you can only have reactors if your country has the proper atomic skills. These are all from the Engineering group, and each one depends on the previous one. The technologies you need are Atomic Research, Nuclear Reactor, and Nuclear Bombs. In particular, you need to have specific technologies for the skills, resources for the actual building, and aircraft to drop them. No need to be proficient in physics and chemistry! You still need to do some homework, however. The effects on population and troops are not as severe as one would expect, and the consequences focus more on the game’s dynamics. Most players expect nukes to work like they do in the real world, but are disappointed.

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However, like everything else in grand strategy games, it’s worth spending some time to learn how to use nukes in HOI4 effectively. Since Hearts of Iron IV focuses on WW2, they do exist in-game as well. For better or worse, nuclear bombs or “nukes” have been a part of our history ever since World War II.

Hoi4 road to 56 download 1.5.4